commission pricing
Mural commission pricing:
Melanie provides up to three digital mural designs for a fee of $500 to ensure your satisfaction. This charge will be credited to your final balance upon commitment and is otherwise non-refundable. Mural project prices are determined based on square footage and range from $25-50 per square foot, depending on the complexity of the design and texture of the wall. There is a $2,500 mural minimum and a 50% deposit is required to secure your spot. Please connect with Mel here for additional information and to begin your collaboration!
Fine art commission pricing:
20"x16" Only available for closeup portraits of one person
20"x20" $800- $1,200
18"x24" $900- $1,300
22"x28" $1,250- $1,500
24"x36" $1,800- $2,200
30"x30" $1,900+
36"x36" $2,700+
36"x48" $3,600+
Larger sizes are available, and prices may vary.
Please note, Melanie Posner's painting process can take between 2-8 weeks depending on schedule and size. A 50% non-refundable deposit to start, 50% remaining balance once the painting is completed. Fine art paintings will not be shipped out until final payment is received. The client has 7 days to complete payment or additional fees may incur. Payment options include PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, or a mailed money order. Payment plans are eligible upon request. Prices depend on the complexity of the project. If the painting is of multiple people a larger size is suggested.